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The SW Division enjoys an extensive technical library. Thanks to our librarian Caty Robinson, the library is properly maintained and consistently updated. Library materials are available to members only. The most effective way to use the library is to download the list of available items and contact the librarian with your request no later than the Monday before the next monthly meeting. You can sign for and receive the reserved items at that meeting. All materials checked out must be returned at the following meeting. If you wish to keep the materials for a longer period of time you must make arrangements to do so at least 10 days prior to their scheduled return. If someone else hasn’t reserved the materials, you may be able to keep them until the following meeting. We have some excellent reference material for your use and benefit. See below for our current offerings. Any questions, please email Caty or call her at 513-977-4391.

See the link below for a list of items currently available. (The link will open an excel sheet in a different window.)